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Monday, November 18, 2013

30 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!

Wow...time has been flying by these past few weeks!!! I thought I had blogged, then realized I hadn't, then forgot to do it again. I don't know if it's me or if it's baby brain.  I'm just going to blame it on the baby brain!!

There are several things that I would like to give thanks for here in blog world. I know, everyone has listed their daily thanks on Facebook, so have no fear I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to let you in on some secrets!!

1. WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that was all caps and a lot of exclamation points, but we are sooo excited!!! The best part, the couple that is buying it loves it as much as we do. The lady has all these plans for what she wants to do and they are so cute and sweet. I'm just so thankful that this happened before the baby!

2.WE ARE HOMELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so it's wonderful that we sold the house! It's magical that we are packing and planning on buying a new house, but.......we don't have a new house. We haven't even made an offer on a new house. Also, there really aren't a lot of houses to buy right now... So I'm thankful we are homeless. I'm thankful because I know that God will provide for us. He found us jobs, he sent us the people to buy our house, he blessed us with a child, so I know that he will find us a house and let us move in before January 24th. Right!???

3. We are having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so you totally knew this, but it is hard to believe that in less than 10 short weeks, there will be a little bundle of joy making her appearance into the world. I am so thankful that this pregnancy has been pretty smooth. She is growing, kicking, and thriving! She has a crib to sleep in, just no home to put the crib in! haha But we are so thankful that she is healthy!

4. Charles and I have been married for 4 years!!!!! Wow, has it really been 4 years!? It has and it has been the most wonderful 4 years of my life. I wake up each day and thank the Lord that he sent Charles to me. I know that our marriage is truly one that God planned. When I was created, I was created to be married to this man. Don't get me wrong, I know that some days are tough. I'm sure that Charles would say most days are an adventure with me...but we are so lucky to have each other! After this week, I'll share with you the gift I am giving him...too cute!

I'm thankful for so much more than these things. I have a wonderful family that makes me laugh and supports me and I have wonderful friends that keep me grounded and secure.

I have a lot to share with you as far as cute things I've made, but some of them have to do with baby showers and they haven't happened yet. So, I'll have to wait until after the showers to show you how cute everything turned out. Until then, here is my 30 week update!

How far along: 30 weeks and 3 days
Baby is is size of: a large cabbage (about 15.5 inches and 3lbs 7oz!) Just went to the doctor on Friday and they measured her at this weight. I asked if it was normal and she is in the 60th percentile. She may be a little chubby! ;) 
Current symptoms: swollen feet and hands still. I'm really tired all the time too!
Any cravings: sweets! I could eat pastries all day long...I'm refraining!
Baby bump?: Oh yeah. It seems like I have blossomed in the past week...even my students are telling me I look really pregnant!
Maternity clothes: Yes! There's no way this belly or behind is fitting in my "old" pants. Dresses are ok and most shirts, but for the most part (80%) I'm maternity all the way!
Belly button in or out: in and I hope it stays that way!
Gender: baby GIRL!
Best thing this week: Going to the doctor and seeing an ultrasound. Now, she looked like pig to me and we really couldn't see much...but she's in there are doing great!!!
Looking forward to: my first baby shower this weekend!!!! My friends are hosting in and I'm so excited to see everyone!!!

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