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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer in One Blog, Yes Please!

So the last time I posted I told you all that I loved summer, but it had been busy/lazy. Well guess what, nothing has changed! I do still love summer, but I have been super busy/lazy for the past 6 weeks. All during June the hubby was in principal school (which I will elaborate on in just a bit) so I tried to help as much as possible with that. Then I did VBS crafts...whew that was busy. Then Dad went into the hospital. Then it was 4th of July. Then we started doing summery things. Then I got sad and missed camp. Then I got sick. Then Charles got sick. Ok, that about sums it up! Haha! Let me explain...

Principal School: The husband decided that he wanted to have more responsibility and increase his job outlook (he's a counselor). He got accepted into the MAPQSL program through the state's communinty colleges. This lasts all of June (pretty much every day from 8:00-4:00). He had to read, write, and read some more! It's a great opportuninty becuase you have to be selected to do this, but it was a stressful month. He has completed the "core" of the classes, but on Saturdays during the rest of the school year, he will go and do more work and study for his BIG licensure test. So we're not out of the woods yet! But he is excited to start a new chapter, and I'm excited to be along for the ride!

VBS crafts:Need I say more? We made all kinds of stuff and had a good time doing it! But just let me say this, deciding what to do for 40 preK-6th graders was hard! It was like hurt your head kinda hard. But now I know what works, so if you need some advice..well I may not be able to help, but I could try!

I caught everyone up on Dad's visit to the hospital last time. Since then...nothing has happened. We are waiting on the doctor to schedule the back surgery. Once that happens, it's full force speed ahead! Dad is in great spirits, even went on a little vacation with my mom, aunts, and uncles. He's eating great (if you know him that's not a shocker!) and feeling good!
4th of July: If you are not from the wonderfully small town of Booneville then you don't know how big a deal the 4th of July parade's a Big Dang Deal. Everyone dresses in red, white, and blue; floats are made, golf carts decorated, bicycles with flags, strollers with streamers, police escorts and everything! Again...BIG DANG DEAL. Well I have only missed a few parades in my day and they were met with family scorn and disbelief. So this year the hubby and I took our big butts out of the bed on July 4th to get to Booneville to see the parade. We had a tent, chairs, and enough food my dad would say..choke a mule! The parade was great, but the food was better! And like I said, when family misses the parade scorn and disbelief follow. Well only the two good cousins made it this year. So to my 3 other cousins and thier families in Tupelo, Mobile, and Baton owe us!!! We are counting down the days until 4th of July have been warned!!!


The family tent..awaiting the parade to start!

My aunt on the golf cart!! USA USA USA!!!

Daddy enjoying the festivities

Lou Lou and Katie post parade

 You may ask what summery things are, well in that case here is a list:
  • tennis playing: well this should say trying to play tennis. You see once upon a time (back in high school) I played a little tennis and really liked it. Guess what, my body forgot about that time and doesn't want me to look like I've ever picked up a raquette! So not only am I shamed by my husband: who never played, picked up the raquette and looks like a pro; I'm shamed by my friends who have secretly been practicing all summer just for this one beat down! But it's ok, I'm gonna practice and be able to at least not get laughed off the court! I'm old and things just don't work like they used to!

    This is as close as you will get to seeing me play!
  • cleaning out a car to sell: I decided that since Betsy (my 2007 Buick Redezvous) was getting close to 92,000 miles we might try to sell her. Have you ever cleaned out a car? No wait, I mean REALLY cleaned out a detailing it with tiny q-tips!? Well I have and it is no fun. Also, my car was gross!!! Who knew!? So...I have a great suv for someone to buy. It still runs great, no problems at all (we just sent it to the shop to have all the kinks worked out), and 4 new tires!! hit me up!
  • driving around car lots for fun: Do you ever do this? It is awesome! I feel so powerful. Like, which one of you puppies am I taking home with me. I can just hear the cars shouting, "pick me, pick me!" But alas, you look at the price and slink back to your old car and think, this really isn't so bad..and it's paid for. Ok so that took a quick turn for the dark, but seriously these cars are not priced to sell!! Wowzer I really just want a $35,000 car for about $10,000..or free!! Is this too much to ask!? Also I thought that I wanted to pick out a car..turns out that I just want to pick out the color. Making decsions is hard! I do not recommend it to anyone! :)
  • making fried pies: I've learned to make pecan fried are welcome!

  • swimming with friends: Our best friends just bought a beautiful house from some of our other friends who moved away (take a moment to be sad for me) Ok, thank you! Anyway, it has a great pool and pool area so we have taken advantage of that!
  • going to a friends house to swim when they aren't there: like I said, we have really taken advantage of the pool!! :)
I am sad I missed camp: Have I ever told you about Summer Scholoars? Well it is a magical camp where 7th-12th graders develop and write a 3 act play, get cast in it, learn their lines, songs, and dances, and preform it all within 3 weeks!!! Wow!! It truley is awesome to see. I began gonig to camp 6 summers ago while in grad school. I met, fell in love with, and married my husband at this camp. Well I didn't get married there, but you know what I mean. After that summer I just couldn't stay away and became head counselor. I didn't go this year due to work stuff and I missed it like crazy. I have visited twice and stayed almost 12 hours each time!! So there's this facet of my life!

I got sick and hubby got sick: Terrible sinus infections (we think). As I was getting over mine, he got his. So here we sit on a Sunday. Well, here I sit, he's still in bed. What a great way to almost end our summer.

Ok, that was a lot of information. But it did sum up my summer in one blog post! Sorry I missed so many weeks in a row, I'm going to get better in the Fall..well maybe!

Before I go, I love these ee cards and thoght I'd share this one with you! Since most everyone knows what a sweater I am, please enjoy! Have a great rest of the summer guys!!