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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bringing Me Through It!

Hellloooo... Ok just imagine that I am saying this like Julia Child! If you don't know who that is...imagine Mrs. Doubtfire, it's the same thing.

I have been absent for a few months, not that many people would notice, but my apologies.  This new year has been a whirlwind! We have been happy, sad, excited, scared, and any other emotion that might come to mind. There are a few things that aren't internet appropriate to tell you about, but I can say that we are one tired family!

These past few months have been a true test to my faith. Let me explain.. I tend to be the one that takes on everyone else's feelings (even when I don't have to). I hurt when someone hurts, I cry for someone when they don't even cry! In other words..I'm just a big ol' mix of emotions, ready to hand them out to whomever might need them. The hard part is when I need to face something on my own. Those emotions that I am so willing to throw around, don't seem to work for me! I don't know how to feel when it comes to me. So...I did a little soul searching during spring break and found out something amazing...I'm ok!

Those of you that know me might be saying, "No, you're are most certainly not ok!" So for those that may be thinking this...kiss it, I love you! So I may still be crazy, but in all seriousness, I'm alright! I have faced my fears (except birds) and I was good!

What really helped was when I got to hear my old youth pastor preach a few Sundays ago.  When he was talking all I could hear was this still, small voice saying listen Emily, listen to him.  He talked about love and loss, heartaches and triumphs.  He kept saying..."If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." He said it over and over, each time pounding harder and harder on my heart.  It was just the message I needed to hear.

After hearing this message, I talked over all of my emotions with Charles.  This little talk secured my thought that I must have done something right in another life to get him!! I am so blessed! I also talked to some great friends!! I was reminded that I have friends who are there for me even when I don't see them all the time. I have also made new friends that I treasure and that I am putting in my inner circle!  I think that a main thing that has happened this year is my eyes opening to see who is going to get me through the next 28 years. With my faith, family, and friends I know that I'm really going to be "ok".

So what is all of this about? Well for the most part it is all a good thing! God has brought my family and friends through a lot this year. My family is changing...we are moving! We aren't moving far, we are moving back to Booneville.  Charles has a job (as an administrator-so the school thing payed off) in Booneville and we have decided to sell our house and move "home". This means that our house is on the market, we are looking for another house, and we are semi packing. With this move, the emotions have ranged from excited to nervous and then overwhelmed! Other things that are going on... friends are getting married, having babies, and furthering their lives. It's a really exciting time...just scary and new.  So I am putting my faith in God...He's brought me to it, and I'm placing all my bets that He will bring me through it!

I hope to be a little more attentive to my blogging, but I am quite sure that everyone will survive if I'm not back on here until May! Haha! Oh...if you need a house in Saltillo, I have a great one for you!! :)