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Monday, June 25, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

So remember when I said that I had been lazy and not too You don't remember that? Me either! The past 2 weeks have been a blur of good and bad! I'm gonna start with the good!

Like I said in my last post, my best friend's little brother was getting married. Well he did! We went and helped set up on Thursday, had the rehearsal dinner on Friday, and then a beautiful wedding on Saturday.  I'd say all in all, the weekend was awesome!! Driving 4 hours to Arkansas with my mom and my best friend was hilarious, not to mention spending the next 3 days together! Have no fear people of North Mississippi or the world, we have figured out all the problems and have plans to fix them.  If you would like to hear these plans or donate to the fund to get the ball rolling, please just let me know! After getting all the hard work out of the way, the hubby came on Saturday and brought my dad. Even though they missed two fun days, I love that they came! Here are some pics I took over the weekend:

Sweet family at the rehearsal dinner

The gorgeous rehearsal/reception site! This was the set up for the rehearsal

Cute Col Reb! (even though I'm more of a Bulldog girl!)
Me & the BFF/sister of the groom

My sweet parents!
 After that fun filled weekend, the hubby went back to principal school (that's another long story for another blog post) and I sat at the house planning VBS crafts.  My dad hasn't been feeling well for the past couple of months and had some doctor appointments.  This past week has really been difficult.  He needs a back surgery to make him able to get around better.  So in the process of getting ready for this surgery, he had a stress test done and some abnormalities showed up.  His doctor sent him to a cardiologist in Memphis on Wednesday.  I knew that it was just shadows and nothing to worry about, but the cardiologist didn't like what he saw so he admitted him into the hospital an hour later.  He was at Baptist East from Wednesday until Saturday afternoon.  Long story short, his kidneys weren't great, there were some small blockages, and the doctors didn't know what they wanted to do.  Anyway, dad was sent home yesterday. The new plan of attack is this: get back surgery done within the month, recover, have stint done, recover, be awesome.  I am looking at this as answered prayers. Dad will be able to get up and around again and his heart will be feeling great too! I know that there is a long road ahead of us, but he's a fighter! I also found out some really great news: I have AMAZING friends and family.  All of the calls, texts, emails, and prayers have been so appreciated! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support group,not to mention such a wonderful husband that drops everything to take me to my dad.  So thanks again to everyone! I am one lucky girl!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So it's been almost 2 weeks since I've written anything.  You would think that I would have sooo much to tell! Well guess what...I don't! I mean GEEZ, I stopped working on June 1st and since then do you know what I've done..nothing!! That's right folks, I've been a big pile of lazy! I have celebrated some birthdays, had a new baby join the family, and even made some things.  So I will share these things with you. 

First, if you want to feel better about yourself then you've come to the right place.  I have been hearing all about how amazing these 7up buscuits taste.  I decided to try and make them...I'll just show you how it went:
This is all you need for the buscuits...seems great doesn't it!!!

When you mix it up it looks like this.  Not too bad right!? It's really sticky at this point!

This is after I tried and tried to flatten the dough out and cut out the buscuits.  Guess was still sticky and didn't work out too well.

So I decided to just pull them out the best I could and make a kind of drop buscuit.  They don't look too good do they?

After cooking they still don't look good!!! They didn't rise and were kinda flat.

After cooking these things and them looking so terrible, I decided I'd better try them before I threw them out.  Do you know what!? They were sooo good! I ate two of them, hubby ate two, and then we split the largest one for a snack the next morning! I've just got to figure out what went wrong..any advice would certainly be welcomed!!!

For my next trick.... I made cookies for my best friend's mother! She was turning the big 5-0 and needed some special treats. I actually think these turned out pretty good. 

Finally we have a new baby in our family...............

Meet Little Ricky

This is my mom loving on Little Ricky

Oh I almost  forgot...I got to spend 2 days with my neice who loves...BARBIES (almost as much as I use to..or still do).  We played for 5 hours and it was fabulous!!! But in the mist of me playing with her, I found my old barbie and the outfit she use to wear!! Of course I had to put it back on her and take a picture! Good thing I didn't have a camera phone when I was little because there would be a whole lot of albums with Barbies just dressed up in different stuff.  Any whoo...Blogosphere meet.....BARBIE and the ROCKERS!!!!

Have a great week!!!!! My best friend (same one as above mentioned) has a sweet little brother who is getting married so more pictures will be posted soon...with possible funny comments!!!