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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Guess who's back....

Well hello! I haven't blogged in so long I feel that everyone has missed out on my life. Ok, ok so I'll admit that my life is not that exciting; and, let's face it, most people who read this blog do so just so when I ask, they don't have to lie to my face. (You know who you are) But, I have a very legit reason on why I haven't been in the blogosphere!

This is the announcement we used on Facebook. I thought it was a really cute idea. I have to say that I got it from Pinterest...of course!! So yes, we're having a baby!!!

It's scary and new and a little crazy. We're trying to sell our house, move back to my hometown, find a new house there, and have a baby in January. What a wild ride we're on right now. I thought I could use this blog to document all the stuff with baby squirrel (Charles' aunt came up with this little's a long story).

So far I'm right at 15 weeks. Things are getting a bit better. I have been soooo sick that I luckily haven't gained any weight. And, if you know me...that's a good thing! I am getting over the sickness little by little and my energy is returning. Baby's heartbeat has been really strong- from 171 at the 7-10 week mark to just yesterday at 160! It was also moving around like crazy!! You could hear the little flips it was doing. So sweet! we find out in 4 small weeks if it is a boy or girl!! I'm beyond excited for that!

So that's it, the reason I haven't been on here to blog, I can't keep a secret! I knew that if I started a new blog entry it would end up being about how bad I felt, then I couldn't tell the reason. I just figure it's better to be silent than spill the beans! I hope I can keep a little update on here about everything, but I'm not gonna promise anything. I did see someone else do the cutest thing on her blog, it was a set of questions she answered every week (let's face it, mine will not be that often) so I thought I'd give it a go....
 I'll answer these same questions each time
How far along: 15 weeks
Baby is is size of: an apple
Current symptoms: nauseous, little tired, heartburn
Any cravings: fruit, mainly grapes and oranges..oh and sour candy
Baby bump?: not really, just feeling puffy
Maternity clothes: no maternity wear yet, my clothes still fit, thank goodness
Belly button in or out: in and I hope it stays that way!
Gender: no idea
Best thing this week: going to the Dr. and hearing a strong heartbeat and lots of movement
Looking forward to: getting back into the swing of work, I hope it peps me up some- to have to get dressed every day, sad I know! 

Have a great week!!