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Monday, April 30, 2012

Too much info?

Happy Monday!!! Haha! I thought that this ecard was hilarious! I suppose today is get to know me day because I'm about to unload some insightful, personal, and too much information thoughts into the blogosphere. 

First let me say that I am crazy! Oh wait, did we already establish that in my last post!? Either way, I am a little bit off.  I know it, my friends know it, and even my mother (who loves me no matter what) knows it.  I have a weird sense of humor and I am a webmd professional.  Whenever I have a problem with my body, I don’t do the sensible thing and go to the doctor, I look it up on webmd or google. 
That’s completely safe…right?

If you have never been on webmd, you are missing out! This wonderful website lets you put in your complaints and then gives you a list of potential problems.  There is even a picture of a naked lady (or man if that’s the case) and you can click on the particular body part that is causing you problems.  A list of questions follows the point and click to asses your problems like a real doctor would do.  At the end, the list of probable causes appears.  It’s like magic! Well, it’s like magic to me because I’m a self diagnosed hypocondriac.  Ok ok, maybe I’m not that bad, but I do love to google anything and everything! Is this a problem, should I google therapists or ancient remedies to cure my demons?!!!

So if that wasn’t personal enough, I thought I would share one more thing….birds. Yes you heard read me right, birds.  The little flying creatures that love to come out and play this time of the year.  Why on earth would I want to share something with you about birds you may inquisitively ask yourself, well get ready for a bomb to be dropped on you!!!

I’m terrified! Scared to death! And when I say scared to death I mean pee my pants, pass out, and then throw up all over you scared.  This is a phobia, not a fear. The difference between a phobia and being scared of something is this: if it directly affects your daily life in such a way that you cannot function, it is a phobia.  Guess what…it totally affects my daily life! If you don’t know me or have never experienced an “attack” with me before, you’re really missing out.  I really like to think that as an initiation into my friend circle, you must be able to help me in times of crisis. 

Let me give you some examples of said “crisis”.  Walking outdoors, Washington, D.C., Lowes, gardens, laying out, parks, porches, and life in general.  So if you are not laughing out loud or thinking what a crazy yet, I would really like to meet you! Because, all of my friends and family love to laugh in the before mentioned situations.  I would like to tell you a terrifying story before I end this random posting.

Charles and I lived in the cutest little rent house right after we were married.  It was charming and sweet. We had a garage that you couldn’t park in and a porch that was a 2x2 slab of concrete.  Anyway, when we acquired the house I noticed that the little porch had an ever so slight overhang in the corner and birds would build nests there.  Quickly I made Charles and my cousin cut the corner down so we would not have any more problems with birds.  However, the light that hung down over our little 2x2 area obviously was the perfect place for two swallows to perch and stay for the night. I was trapped in my own home.  I could not go in my front door because of the terror that awaited and the garage was not a great place to get in and out of either! Well, my parents decided to come over one night and after a nice visit, they decided to go out the front door.  I warned them, don’t do it! Birds are right there and they could get into our house! My mom of course left the door open to talk and what do you know, the bird saw the opportunity and flew right into our house! Terror washed over my face and I’ll admit it a little pee threatened to come out.  I ran into our bedroom, locked the door, ran into the bathroom, and locked that door! (I know, what is the bird gonna do, unlock the door and walk in?!) Long story, a little shorter, it took 15 minutes to get the bird out of the house and 30 more minutes for me to come out of the bathroom and bedroom.  I sat on the bed and just cried, my home intruded by the worst enemy of all…birds.  
This makes me laugh because it is true.  The thought of this makes me want to scream!
 So there you have it, a little personal and too much information, story of my so called life! I hope that you feel better about yourself now!

If not, Happy Monday anyway!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yesterday was one of those days.  You know what I'm talking seems that no matter what you do, you can't get your head above water.  On top of having a hellacious work day, I had some serious stuff happen in the lives of my friends.  It is because of that day that today I can say I'm thankful. 

It all started at work.  I call it the snowball effect, one thing goes wrong and it's like a snowball going down a cliff at speeds in excess of 1,000 mph.  One thing went wrong and then BAM, here I go down the hill.  Then I get some phone calls about serious stuff.  Now I'm not trying to tell anyone's business on here, so let's just say it was bad news that couldn't have come at a worse time. 

Let me make a side note here: I usually take mood altering drugs that make me really happy all the time (or rather they make me normal) but some doctor thought that I should get off of them! So I haven't had them in months and everyone around me can really tell! I also say all of this in jest.  My husband and all of my friends would agree completely with the above statement that I'm crazy and the "magic pills" are just that, magic mood altering wonderfulness. But, if you are reading this and either don’t know my humor or don’t know me, let me say that I’m not diagnosable, nor am I suicidal, I’m just a woman who found the wonders of medical concoctions to even me out!

Ok now that you know my whole medical history, I can continue my story.  After I received the phone calls, my emotions shut down.  I sobbed, prayed, cried, called my husband, and then cried some more.  I felt so horrible.  These things were not happening to me so how selfish of me to even begin to feel bad.  Just at that moment, I had an epiphany.  The world is full of bad days and terrible news.  It is how we handle it that sets us apart from other people and makes us who others see us as.  I picked my big butt up, sent some text messages, and prayed that everything would turn out. 

So when I tell you that I am thankful, I truly am.  Things are not perfect in my little crazy world; however, they are looking up.  Bad news was given, but because of that bad news, good news can be found! Terrible situations were presented, but if they had not been present, worse things could have happened.  I also learned that I love my friends more than life itself.  I would gladly take the place of 2 people at this very moment if I could.  And because of that, I am thankful, I am proud, and I am mostly honored.  I am honored that I have people in my life that I care enough about to want awful things to happen to me and to want wonderful things to happen to them!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Try Try Again

In December I decided that I was going to conquer the world of blogging.  Fresh off of reading a wonderful blog and inspired by a truly wonderful woman (, I set off to do things right! Of course…I failed.  And when I mean I failed, I mean it’s freaking the end of April and I’m just doing a second post.

Second post you may say, but I did not see a first one.  Well you are correct.  I went back and deleted the first post because it went something like this:

“You may ask.."Really, Ramblings of Real Craziness?" If you know me, then you will understand the craziness.  I am 27, married to the love of my life, love to cook, have plans 4 days out of the week, always running around, I craft a lot, and I am random. For New Years, my plans are to do at least 2 posts a week.  So I am going to start small tonight, blog tomorrow, and then pick back up after Christmas.  I hope that by expressing myself on here, someone can get a laugh out of my crazy, random life! If I'm going to be dumb about stuff, someone should at least be able to feel better about themselves! So..until tomorrow goodnight!”

I told you that I failed!! I made all of these false promises and really let myself down.  But on a better note, I did not let anyone else down! Because, when I got back on here tonight I saw that I had no views!! Ha! It is okay because I am not defeated, only determined to at least attempt to be a little witty, somewhat funny, and have at least one person check this out. It may only be my mother or one of my dear friends that I con into clicking the like button, but either way, I’m off and running.
This is me starting small.  I feel that I have taken up enough space for one sleepless night, but will be back tomorr…well sometime to tell you about my so called life!