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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yesterday was one of those days.  You know what I'm talking seems that no matter what you do, you can't get your head above water.  On top of having a hellacious work day, I had some serious stuff happen in the lives of my friends.  It is because of that day that today I can say I'm thankful. 

It all started at work.  I call it the snowball effect, one thing goes wrong and it's like a snowball going down a cliff at speeds in excess of 1,000 mph.  One thing went wrong and then BAM, here I go down the hill.  Then I get some phone calls about serious stuff.  Now I'm not trying to tell anyone's business on here, so let's just say it was bad news that couldn't have come at a worse time. 

Let me make a side note here: I usually take mood altering drugs that make me really happy all the time (or rather they make me normal) but some doctor thought that I should get off of them! So I haven't had them in months and everyone around me can really tell! I also say all of this in jest.  My husband and all of my friends would agree completely with the above statement that I'm crazy and the "magic pills" are just that, magic mood altering wonderfulness. But, if you are reading this and either don’t know my humor or don’t know me, let me say that I’m not diagnosable, nor am I suicidal, I’m just a woman who found the wonders of medical concoctions to even me out!

Ok now that you know my whole medical history, I can continue my story.  After I received the phone calls, my emotions shut down.  I sobbed, prayed, cried, called my husband, and then cried some more.  I felt so horrible.  These things were not happening to me so how selfish of me to even begin to feel bad.  Just at that moment, I had an epiphany.  The world is full of bad days and terrible news.  It is how we handle it that sets us apart from other people and makes us who others see us as.  I picked my big butt up, sent some text messages, and prayed that everything would turn out. 

So when I tell you that I am thankful, I truly am.  Things are not perfect in my little crazy world; however, they are looking up.  Bad news was given, but because of that bad news, good news can be found! Terrible situations were presented, but if they had not been present, worse things could have happened.  I also learned that I love my friends more than life itself.  I would gladly take the place of 2 people at this very moment if I could.  And because of that, I am thankful, I am proud, and I am mostly honored.  I am honored that I have people in my life that I care enough about to want awful things to happen to me and to want wonderful things to happen to them!

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