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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

He or She, We Shall See

How exciting is it to find out what you are having!? I mean I couldn't sleep the night before, the whole day at work I was antsy, and driving to the doctor's office all I could think was he or she, she or he, girl or boy, him or her!!! I had text all my friends and family to let them weigh in on what they thought the baby was. The score there was 15 for boy and 7 for girl. As for us, let me remind you that I'm thinking boy and Charles is thinking girl.

So, on Tuesday, August 26th, Charles and I went to have the anatomy ultrasound. It didn't take any time for the ultrasound tech to find baby p...and boy was he/she moving! She zoned in on the baby and wanted us to look and guess what gender we thought.  I don't know if you have ever seen an ultrasound of a 18 week old baby, it's not very clear. For one it's black and white, fuzzy, and a little cramped in there. I also wasn't wearing my there's that. But of course, neither one of us had a clue! We looked at the sweet lady with confused looks on our faces and said, "I dunno!" She responded with a....

So there we sat, totally caught off guard with this huge announcement. A girl..a little bouncy, pink, ruffles, and tutus girl. I was so thinking boy that the news really shocked me! 

The rest of the scan was great. Her bladder, heart, and kidneys look good. And, might I add...her legs look really long. I know that at this stage I'm sure that all of the babies legs are approximately the same length, but you didn't see this child. She stretched her legs out and they went on for days. For me I'm thinking two things, one: great she will be tall and slender like her dad- two: that baby has got to get into the world some way and with long legs it's not gonna be easy! Charles was thinking that defending boys against long legs in 15 years will not be an easy feat! 

So there it is...a girl! I have gotten over the shock, spread the news, and started shopping. Did you know that baby bedding is so expensive! It's crazy! We are super excited to meet our daughter and hopefully she will have a name by then. Because right now....she doesn't! I'll keep you posted on that front. 

So here is the update for 19 weeks...
How far along: 19 weeks 4 days
Baby is is size of: a heirloom tomato (6 inches and 9 oz)
Current symptoms: still a little tired and some heartburn
Any cravings: not really this week
Baby bump?: yes, well it's starting to get noticed
Maternity clothes: some maternity stuff, but not all the way there yet. No pants, but I'm getting there!
Belly button in or out: in and I hope it stays that way!
Gender: baby GIRL!
Best thing this week: well last week...but finding out that she's a she!
Looking forward to: picking a name! Also, I may learn to sew (again) that should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for y'all! May I suggest Mrs Penny's real name as an option for baby girl?
