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Thursday, November 13, 2014

One of "Those Days"

Have you ever had one of "those days"? You know the kind I'm talking about.

It always starts out the same, you wake up late, stump your toe on the out of body wash in the warmish (not hot) shower..have to use shampoo to shave your legs.

Then your child doesn't want to keep her socks on, even though it's 30 degrees outside! You finally get out of the house and slide into the babysitter's driveway hoping that you haven't forgotten anything, knowing that other mothers would judge you for not putting shoes on your 10 month old, even though she can't walk.

You get to work on time, which is great if you weren't the crazy that thinks "on time" means 15 minutes earlier than when you should be there. You have 10 missed calls by 8:15 and realize that the phone is on silent...a work phone, the kind that don't just accidentally get put on silent like a cell phone. Really, how does that even happen!!??

You check your hand and notice that there is something on just hope that it's the chocolate that you've been hiding in your desk and not something that one of your students has left for you as a "thank you note" for helping them drop out of college. The day falls to crap after that...yeah it's been one of those days!

With that being said, it's Thursday! This means that I have one more day of "those days" and it's the weekend. At least on the weekend I can have one of "those days" in my pajamas!

The silver lining to this day is the Black Friday ad from Wal-Mart has been released. If you are as crazy excited as I am, here it is along with any other Black Friday deal..this is a good site:

I hope that you aren't having one of "those days" and if you are, maybe some dreaming about Black Friday deals can lift you out of your funk!!! Here's the countdown timer to Black Friday Shopping!!

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