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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who Knew....

So several months ago I got a wild hair and decided that I was going to sew my baby's crib bedding. Nothing to do me, I got my mom's sewing machine and decided to give this a real go. If you know me, then you know that nothing goes as it is supposed to. If it weren't for bad luck, sometimes I think I'd have no luck at all. Anyway, I got the sewing machine out and of course it didn't work. It took a week in the sewing machine hospital and then she was as good as new. The hunt for the perfect fabric commenced...

If you have never been to Premier Fabrics ( in Tupelo, you are missing out. They have beautiful fabrics at really great prices. The staff is really helpful and will let you browse around and take your time. I suggest you go if you have a project that needs that little extra flair! I looked at Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann, and Hancock and couldn't find anything prettier than there. I also had a coupon for $1 off each yard so I ended up spending minimal for this large project.

So obviously I found the perfect fabric, got what I needed and was once again back on the road to DIY. If you have never sewed before, you have no idea the time it takes before you even make the first stitch. I would say that cutting the fabric takes longer than the actual sewing. And, once you measure it and cut it out, you have to pin it all together. I will save you or rather, spare you, the whole long story. But, one day I will put up a tutorial on making bumper pads and you will be blown away.

I will admit that this project was not as hard as I thought it would be. If you can use a sewing machine to sew a straight line, you can make your own crib bedding.

Da..Da..Da..(entertaining sound) I present the crib bedding. It would help if I had this bedding in a bed, but alas the crib is in storage and we are hopefully finding a new home. So, let me explain what you are seeing. The back piece has 3 different sections. This is the "inside" of the bumper; or what Little Miss Priss will be gazing at as she sleeps for 8 hours a night at 2 weeks (The power of positive thinking). It is in a pattern of grey circles/pink pattern/grey circles/pink pattern, etc all along the inside. The white and grey scroll fabric is the "outside" of the bumper. You are only seeing the small part of the outside, but all the bumpers have this fabric on the back. Once it gets in the crib, you will be able to tell more about it.

Lastly, I finished the mobile I wanted to make. I found a chandelier for $10 and took the crystals off of it, strung them up with fishing wire, and put them on a florist wreath I got at Hobby Lobby. I then took the coordinating fabric (which we used on the foot stool that will be in her room) and made a ruffle to go around the top. Again, just picture this in a sweet baby's room instead of hanging in my kitchen.

So DIY is done...for now. I can't wait to see what else I can come up with. Until then, I'll leave you with me update on baby girl.

How far along: 26 weeks 4 days
Baby is is size of: a cucumber (14 inches and 1 and 2/3 pound!)
Current symptoms: swollen feet and hands. Most days they are minimal, but some days they are bad. I can still wear my engagement ring, but not my wedding band.
Any cravings: food in general...I'm starving
Baby bump?: yes and the touching of said baby bump by people has begun.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes..but there are several pieces of clothing that I have been able to wear from pre-baby days. What can I say, I love big clothes I guess.
Belly button in or out: in and I hope it stays that way!
Gender: baby GIRL!
Best thing this week: Finishing the bedding and mobile!
Looking forward to: Going to the doctor Friday and hearing her heartbeat...I also have the dreaded sugar test, so I'm looking forward to getting that over with. I hope I pass!!!

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