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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Not as Good as I Once was!

Have I ever mentioned that I once was a fun person?! No…never? Well I was! I mean I use to have a great time, let loose, get crazy, all that jazz! However, in the past 3-5 years my life has sloooowed down a lot! It’s not that I don’t love my life…because I do…I absolutely love my life, but I’m in my late 20s and not my early ones anymore…so I’ve slowed! And I have fun, lots and lots of hard core fun…but not like I use to do back before work, marriage, and the real world. I don’t go out on the town, mainly because it’s either really young people or much older ones and the 25-35 age range has no place, and I don’t stay up past 12:00 EVER!
With that said, this weekend I ventured out and tried to be that same fun person again. Guess what? I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.  Now I know that what I just quoted is an amazing Toby Keith song, but it also sums up my weekend.  I learned that I can go out and have a ball, but I pay for it the next day. I will explain later what I mean by that!
My dear friend P. had a Bridesmaid’s Brunch and Bachelorette weekend starting Saturday morning.  We had a lovely brunch at an adorable bed and breakfast in Corinth.  I think in picking this place, P. had great taste (I had my Bridesmaid Brunch there too)! We had great food and her aunts and cousins are so sweet! After we ate, played some games, and said our goodbyes we headed out for Nashville, TN! We were all pumped! It was going to be the time of our lives and we were going to toast P. in a big way in the Music City!

At the BM Brunch

By the time we arrived and got dressed, it was time for another type of wedding shower! My friend got some beautiful classy appropriate nice stuff (Haha) and everyone was ready to go out. We had a scavenger hunt prepared and we broke into teams.  Can I just take a moment to say that I obviously love doing totally inappropriate things, because this was right up my alley! Some items were: find a bald guy and rub his head, kiss a stranger, get 4 quarters to help pay for the wedding, find someone with the same first name as the groom, and find someone with an accent.  Those were just a few! But everyone had a blast doing it!
We ate at an awesome place, Puckett’s Grocery and Restaurant.  If you ever go to Nashville, try it out because I think almost everyone in our party (16 people) loved it! After that let’s just say we went out on the town and painted it not only red, but every color you can think of! Because of some confidentiality clause, I can’t disclose any of the happenings after dinner.  But it was fun, I partied like a rock star, and most importantly my friend had a great last fling before the ring! I will tell you that pizza does not get delivered fast in Nashville at 3:00 in the morning.  Also waking up at 8:30 the next morning is for the birds (and we all know how much I hate them)!
Thus with all of this said I will tell you why I can do it once, but only once in a while.  Surprisingly, I woke to no headache or tummy troubles; however I had a runny nose and a raspy voice.  I will attribute the latter to our air conditioning unit working GREAT! It would either be as cold as Antarctica or as hot as Hades, we opted for Antarctica and I got a sexy voice from it!  As proud as I was to find that I had no head or abdominal woes, I did find that my legs were like Jello.  Obviously dancing the night away was not as good of an idea as I originally thought! In addition, taking a shower at 3:30 and not drying my hair does not do wonders for me either.
All is well though; after a 3 hour drive home, a hot shower, and some sleep, I’ll be back to my old boring self by Thursday! …Maybe Friday, I don’t want to push it. Toby Keith has apparently been out with a bachelorette party in Nashville on occasion because his lyrics are so true!

This is the best representation of how I was feeling Monday morning!

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